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Legal notice

Company data

Micro enterprise registered in FRANCE

Company name: Nalu Souls

SIRET: 89277025600014


Owner: Pauline Alazard

Legal address: Le Claux, 12190, Coubisou, FRANCE

Phone (Whatsapp): +33632002442


Email Address: [email protected]


Feel free to contact Nalu Souls if you have any questions or other inquiries. Therefore you can send an email to:

[email protected]

Or contact us through the contact form on the contact page


Our Services will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws applicable in France.

Confidentiality and privacy

Nalu Souls is committed to the security of its users' data. For more details, see our Privacy and data protection policy.


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We also use third-party cookies to analyse and understand how you use this site. They will only be stored in your browser with your consent. Disabling these cookies may deteriorate your browsing experience.

For more information about the cookies we use and their purpose, see our Cookies policy.

Use of our Services

For more details on this site, all services provided by Nalu Souls and payment methods, see our Terms of Use.

Intellectual property, copyright and trademarks or registered patents

For more details on copyrights, see our Terms of Use.